MTY Toolkit

MTY Toolkit

Padmabhushan Anna Hazare’s Birthday: Learning from a Holistic Leader
Last year’s visit to Adarsh gaon Ralegan  Siddhi remains firmly entrenched in the minds of the near 20 members of the Living Philosophy Study Group (LPSG) and Chiranjeev Gurukul (CG) not just because of the surge in energy that each of us felt through our three days in this beautiful village in Ahmednagar District of Maharashtra but also due to the countless lessons of Leadership learnt there, in such a short time. Leadership learnt in the top universities of the world can be seen in practise here, however, more importantly, the lessons learnt at the grassroots should actually be disseminated to educational institutions, corporate professionals and society at large.
What Gandhiji said nearly a 100 years back viz. “The soul of India lives in its villages” comes alive again through the Research study, which the co learners of LPSG and CG conducted over these three days – the Summary Report of which is now available for free on

विद्याविनीतो राजा हि प्रजानां विनये रतः अनन्यां पृथिवीं भुङ्क्ते सर्वभूतहिते रतः

(K.A. 1.5.17)
For, the Leader, steeped in the Sciences, keenly focussed on the disciplined actions of the people, enjoys the earth (alone), without sharing it with another, being passionately devoted to the welfare of all beings
The above Sutra from Kautilya’s masterpiece on Leadership can be seen clearly from Padmabhushan Anna Hazare’s life! Through this article and the summary Study Report, we convey our fondest wishes on his eighty-sixth birthday, for a long healthy life and we seek his blessings!

Eternal Indian Wisdom in Contemporary Management Practices - Deep dive into different aspects and application of Indian Wisdom

Eternal Indian Wisdom in Contemporary Management Practices - Deep dive into different aspects and application of Indian Wisdom


MANTRA-TANTRA-YANTRA TOOLKIT for Rural Prosperity  (Hiware Bazaar as a case)

MANTRA-TANTRA-YANTRA TOOLKIT for Rural Prosperity (Hiware Bazaar as a case)

This is precisely observed in Hiware Bazaar A HEALTHY economy should be designed to
thrive and not grow It should be regenerative and distributive
Arthashaastra suggests: Prosperity should be always distributed

6s Methodology

6s Methodology

We at Chanakya Consulting Insights use a unique delivery methodology – we refer to it as 6S methodology. This is to facilitate all round learning experience for the participants. Each of the S has a specific objective and ensure, the learning is more Reflective, Cohesive and Self-driven. 

Pls watch the video to know more, also read through the PDF for how you could plug it into your Learning journey or Leadership Development initiatives.