This section draws inspiration from various Indian scriptures
वेद, उपनिषद, महाभारत, रामायण, अर्थशास्त्र, शुक्रनीति, and more.
The focus is largely on नीतिशास्त्र – Governance in ancient times, adapted now for Management of self, teams, organizations, society, etc
The section has more than 150 powerful Sutras (original aphorisms) with its interpretation followed by a few reflective pointers to make it more applicable to our contemporary world.
The main inspiration is the work of (late) Shri Narayanji Misra, Chief Personnel Officer, UP State Electricity Board, who wrote about Management from Indian scriptures, based on his experiences – a practitioner’s perspective.
Saluting him and all our पूर्वाचार्य (Gurus, Teachers, Scholars) for showing humanity the path since centuries !

01 Leadership Mindset - 1st Set
Life and Leadership Lessons from Kautilya’s Arthashaastra. A set of 10 powerful sutras from Kautilya Arthashaastra (KA)- a timeless treasure on Leadership & Governance. Set of 10 sutras curated (along with Reflection questions for the audience to apply it in the contemporary world.
02 Leadership Mindset - 2nd Set
A Leader must seek high standards, get rid of his own deficiencies, then those of his team, and then of the organization! Leader’s conduct plays a greater role in inspiring others and some Sutras from Indian Neetishastra throw light on this aspect of Leadership
03 Leadership Mindset - 3rd Set
Leadership is not about words but about action. The Leader, whos actions are always in the interest of the customers and all the stakeholders, will always receive much required support from them. Here is a set of sutras which focuses on building that strength.
04 Leadership Mindset - 4th Set
Leadership is about action and very little to do with Position. Person with Leadership skills is not at the mercy of a Title or a Position. Bhaartiya Shaastras put a lot of emphasis on management of the inner world to manage the world outside. The one who is consistently managing the inner world to sense the condition (mental, social, political etc.) of his various partners/stakeholders and other external conditions; and mould his own actions to achieve the larger purpose.
05 Leadership Mindset - 5th Set
06 Excellence at Workplace - 1st Set
Excellence is not a skill, it’s the attitude. It’s not about exhibiting it once;
07 Excellence at Workplace - 2nd Set
Excellence requires rigorous work and determination to work on self and keep moving up gradually in our offerings to others. Bhaartiya Shaastraas offer a wide array of Sutras on how one can consistently work on self. Here are a few of them with insights on how to start and then keep working on it
08 Personal Excellence - 1st Set

09 Personal Excellence - 2nd Set

10 Creating Learning Culture

11 Strategy

12 Building an Effective Team

Leaders enable the success of high-performance teams; Leaders play a crucial right from selection of the right kind of talent for the right job requirement to creating the right culture or environment. By Valuing the Contributions of the Teams: Leaders facilitate the environment of collaboration and foster a passion for excellence. Nurturing is an important aspect here. Set of sutras in this section will help you great insights on Team building, Team management, Delegation skills.
13 Eternal Indian Wisdom in Contemporary Management Practices
Corporate Governance, as a concept/ practice became vital for the Business world, mooting “more demanding standards of behavior” for Leadership of companies. This amongst other things, was especially required in case of Executive Pay