Jagdish Chandra Bose
Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose was all of these but neither craved for recognition nor rewards – his work as father of radio science or first to show that plants have feelings or even the first to show that metals too can “feel” – all deserve Nobel prizes, but did they matter to Bose? Not the least and neither did patents. Rather he opened up what was called Basu Vigyan Mandir – Temple of Science, in Kolkatta (1917) where all his discoveries were opened up to even the general public, what then of secrecy from competing scientists? The logo of the institute was Vajra (Thunderbolt), which symbolized supreme sacrifice in the Puranas. He was completely against using knowledge as merchandise and professed the union of matter and spirit, of animate and inanimate objects, science and spirituality.

Dr Rajendra Singh
Dr. Singh gained the traditional know-how of rainwater storage through “Johad” (rainwater storing structures) and realised their value in raising the water table. The purpose of his life then became crystal clear – becoming the doctor of water bodies and their restoration.
Dr. Abhay and Dr. Rani Bang
तं वेधा विदधे नूनं महाभूतसमाधिना। तथा हि सर्वे तस्यसनपरार्थेकफला गुणाः।। Indeed, the creator conceived him by meditating on the (highest) substance of the great (5) elements; thus all his qualities resulted in fruits, which were of (great) benefit to others!...

JRD Tata
Incredible as it may seem, JRD Tata created both the Personnel Department and the Departmental Councils way back in 1947. The objective was similar in both cases – that the communication between Management and employees should be regular and sort out all problems. The Leadership vision was to ensure transparency during good times, when business is as usual and during challenging times as well, so that trust remains steady!
Sindhutai Sapkal
स त्वं मदीयेन शरीरवृत्तिं देहेन निर्वर्तयितुं प्रसीद। दिनावसानोत्सुकबालवत्सा विसृज्यतां धेनुरियं महर्षेः।। (Raghuvamsham II.45) Such one as you are, be pleased to appease your hunger with this body of mine; and this cow of the great sage - whose calf is anxiously...

Saalumarda Thimmakka
Saalumarada (meaning row of trees) Thimmakka, also an Indian environmentalist from Karnataka, received a Padmashri for her work in planting and tending to 385 banyan trees along a four-kilometre stretch of highway between Hulikal and Kudur besides 8000 other trees. Almost committing suicide once for not bearing her child, she found solace in planting trees thereafter, with the support of her husband. Neither penury nor problems nor physical age could prevent her from this purpose, for over 50 years (she is now 110). Such is the influence through her incredible work that the Karnataka government reconsidered a road widening project due to her request. Her endeavours have drawn attention from around the world, fetching her awards, titles (even an honorary doctorate)

Srinivasa Ramanujan
The life of Srinivasa Ramanujan is the rare kind, which was touched, blessed and embellished by the divine goddess Mahalakshmi herself. To call the life of this Mathematician extraordinaire, short would be grossly incorrect, for his accomplishments in a short span of 32 years are those which only trained experts can aspire to do, that took over a lifetime.

APJ Abdul Kalam
शैशवे अभ्यस्तविद्यानां यौवने विषयैषिणाम। वार्द्धके मुनिवृत्तीनां योगेनान्ते तनुत्यज्याम्।। (Raghuvamsham I.8) Who got themselves (suitably) educated in childhood; who utilized their youth in the manner specified; who became ascetics when they became older; and...