Mary Kom Indian Olympic Medalist तद्रक्ष कल्याणपरंपराणां भोक्तारमूर्जस्वलमात्मदेहम्। महीतलस्पर्शनमात्रभिन्नमृद्धं हि राज्यं पदमैन्द्रमाहुः।। (Raghuvamsham II.50) Hence protect your strong body – in order to enjoy upholding the tradition of welfare (of the...
Dr. Abhay and Dr. Rani Bang Community Services तं वेधा विदधे नूनं महाभूतसमाधिना। तथा हि सर्वे तस्यसनपरार्थेकफला गुणाः।। Indeed, the creator conceived him by meditating on the (highest) substance of the great (5) elements; thus all his qualities resulted in fruits,...
Aabid Surti Drop Dead Foundation रेखामात्रमपि क्षुण्णादा मनोर्वर्त्मनः परम्। न व्यतीयुः प्रजास्तस्य नियन्तुर्नेमिवृत्तयः।। (Raghuvamsham I.17) He did not swerve from the path trodden by Manu even by as much as a line; and (so) his subjects too never went off course,...
JRD Tata Founder Tata Group सहवृद्धिक्षयिकत्वादद्वैध्यः..इति दण्डसमपत्। (Kautilya Arthashaastra 6.1.11) …Not having any misalignment of purpose, owing to prosperity and adversity being shared together (with the king) in the past, this is an excellence of the...