Dr Rajendra Singh

Dr Rajendra Singh

Waterman of India

प्रत्यक्षपरोक्षानुमेया हि राजवृत्ति:। (Kautilya Arthashaastra 1.9.4)                                                                                                                                        

The (approach of) activities of the King is threefold – directly perceived, indirectly perceived and inferred

The foremost teacher of governance, through this powerful Sutra, conveys to us that, for appropriate action, Leader has to first gather accurate information. The accuracy depends on a three prong approach – through personal experience, through gathering from deputies who have personally experienced and through estimation of information in public domain/ market. Rigour shown in the above process alone enables the Leader to take the right decisions.

Dr. Rajendra Singh wanted to first awaken people through education, then he wanted to cure and enliven them through Ayurvedic medicine. However, fate had something else in store. One elderly man whom he was tending to, quite unapologetically told Dr. Singh that instead of helping them with medicine, he should help them get clean and wholesome water – the absence of which was causing all the illnesses. His own interest, inquiry and inspection led him to realize this to be the truth. Thereafter, Dr. Singh gained the traditional know-how of rainwater storage through “Johad” (rainwater storing structures) and realised their value in raising the water table. The purpose of his life then became crystal clear – becoming the doctor of water bodies and their restoration. Learning all about soil, underground flow of water and curves, this “Waterman of India” revived 14 rivers in more than 4 states of India over a grueling 35 years. While Ramon Magsaysay award and many recognitions came by, he still unabatedly continues this work through a community based approach. Untiring Leadership!

What is your contribution to creating a better Society – to live in?