Chandragupt Maurya
Founder of the Maurya Empire
त्यागाय संभृतार्थानां सत्याय मितभाषिनाम्। यशसे विजिगीषूणां प्रजायैगृहमेधिनाम।। (Raghuvamsham I. 7)
Who amassed wealth only for purpose of distribution; who maintained brevity so as to preserve the truth; who wished to conquer only to bring glory ( to the kingdom) ; who played the role of householder, so as to enable succession (of Leadership)!
Raghuvamsham, one of the great poetry classics by Pandit Kalidas, is also a Leadership masterpiece. Dwelling on the journey of Leadership, he says true Leaders become mere custodians of the wealth they create for the stakeholders; they ensure they only speak what is truly purposeful; catalysing a steady growth to bring prosperity to all, they do not forget to create a worthy successor to sustain success!
Chandragupt Maurya was identified by his mentor Chanakya at a tender age – but he made his Guru proud, and how! Following the teachings perfectly, he proved his ability for becoming the first sovereign of Akhand (united) Bhaarat; nurtured it to great prosperity without any ostentation; overcame the remaining Greek generals and then -quietly walked away from it without attachment, installing his worthy son Bindusar, as the next Leader. That is Governance at its best!
Do your goals encompass the prosperity of all your stakeholders?